English theatre - The Show Must Go On

04. April 2022




On March 14, 2022, the fifth and sixth lessons of the third and fourth classes were canceled due to a special event. Four actors came to the school to perform the play "THE SHOW MUST GO ON" for them. The four actors told us the story of four actors who wanted to perform and rehearse the play "80 days around the world". It was about a man who made a bet and said he could travel around the world in 80 days. Together with his servant Passepartout, he then set off to be back in London in time. Mr. Figg, a detective was always hot on their heels as it was thought that Mr. Fogg had stolen something which in fact was not true. The fourth actor was the narrator and explained some details.

In order to include the opinion of our teachers, we interviewed Ms. Schuh and Mr. Schnöller:

Interview with Ms. Schuh:

Interviewer: What did you think of the play?

Mrs. Schuh: Funny, very cool. I liked it. The actors were all very well arranged and the backstory was very great.

Interviewer: Which character did you find most likeable?

Mrs. Schuh: The young one, pretty. I think his name was Leo.

Unfortunately, we were interrupted at this point by Mrs. Maier and Mrs. Schuh apologized for a moment. Apparently they forgot about us and then they just left and left us.


Interview with Mr Schnöller:

Interviewer: How did you like the play?

Mr. Schnöller: I really liked it, especially the relaxed manner, the cool British English and the small stage design.

Interviewer: What did you like about the stage design?

Mr. Schnöller: Actually everything. You could imagine everything.

Interviewer: Which character did you like best or was the most likeable for you?

Mr. Schnöller: The jester... the one who always bursts in suddenly.

Interviewer: You mean Leo, the detective CIA agent with the water gun, right?

Mr. Schnöller: *laughs* Yes, that's exactly it. He is very funny.

Interviewer: Yes. *laughs* What do you say about the other actors?

Mr. Schnöller: Well... the girl who played Fogg did very well. A very fun role. I liked it. The servant....what was his name again?

Interviewer: Passepartout.

Mr Schnöller: Exactly. That was boring. The girl did not fit the role of the servant. And the narrator had a very straining voice and a funny way.

Interviewer: *laughs* The hair bothered me because he kept brushing it back... do you have anything else to say about the piece in general that we left out?

Mr. Schnöller: *laughs* No, that's it... no, wait. Once the music started, you couldn't hear the actors anymore.

Interviewer: That's right. Thanks for your time.

Mr Schnöller: Gladly.